The Simple Way relies on donations from friends and supporters around the world. We invite you to consider a monthly gift to our ministry, becoming a member of our Root Circle. We know our donors give us strong roots so that we can grow deeper and taller and impact our community. Guy, one of our Root Circle partners, wrote this note about why he gives monthly to The Simple Way:
“There are a number of reasons why we support the Simple Way. First, we find it a joy to give to something so rooted in a community, so strong on social justice, and so inspired by the love that Jesus shows us. Although we’re not from Philadelphia, we love this city, and supporting The Simple Way is one way for us to show that love.
Also, we have chosen to live in an area that is very different from where The Simple Way is based in Kensington. So we give to be in solidarity with the neighborhood and to remind ourselves (and our children) what is important in life and what we want our values to be.
Finally, we support The Simple Way because we once read from Shane Claiborne that he tries to give in such a way that it breaks the power of money in his life. That sounds like a good idea! We’re thankful for the opportunity to be a part of what is happening at The Simple Way. We love knowing we’re a small part of that work!”
We are incredibly thankful to Guy and all our Root Circle donors. We’d love for you to consider a year-end gift or a monthly donation in 2017. Thank you for supporting The Simple Way!